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April 2009

Everyone is talking about the Cybersecurity Act, so I'm caving to peer pressure and talking about it too.  The Government along with some worthless lobbyists want to regulate the internet.  Their cover story is that its for protection against cyber attacks and national security, blah blah blah.  Well, the real deal is that they and certain companies want access to your data and the ability to regulate what is posted on web sites (including sites like this one).  This new Government of ours reminds me more and more of the plot of V for Vendetta all the time.  Nobody likes and Adam Sutler.  I'm not going to reinvent the wheel here so I'll post some links to existing articles out there. Open Congress WebPro News EFF

I've been following the online sales tax bill and it looks like its finally going to getting passed into law soon.  As a web developer this concerns me greatly.  I've built and continue to build numerous web sites that have eCommerce functionality.  It would be so easy for the Government to screw this up, so the certain senator that reads this blog

According to the latest statistics, I figure there are about 4,267,000 Internet Explorer 6.0 users in North America.  Internet Explorer 6.0 (the latest version of Internet Explorer before it had tabs) is just a truly horrible piece of software.  Its so bad that Microsoft doesn't even support it anymore.  Why is it so dreadful?  It doesn't display pages properly, it requires so much extra effort and cost for web developers to accomodate and it has problems with JavaScript.  There is a whole campaign out there to stop Internet Explorer 6.0 altogether, they are encouraging web sites to detect the browser version and then stop the web site from working if you are using IE 6, now that sounds fun and cool, but its fairly unrealistic, but we have to consider the masses and what our customers need.  So, if you're

Over the course of this year I have noticed a trend, people are starting to use content from other sites to write their own.  When I ask about the content's source, the answer is always the same "There is so much out there, why re-invent the wheel?"  That is a fair thought track, however there's a big problem

April 1st marked our 4 year anniversary here at QC Total Tech and we want to thank all of our customers by offering a 20% discount on any and all web site development services for services that total in $1,500 or more, this offer does not include SSL certificates, hosting and domain registration. Thank you!

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