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QC Web Design

Did you know that a little while back the Google webmaster team decided to start ranking websites by how long it takes a page to load? Page Speed Matters to Google Still using criteria like the Page Title, META Description, etc, your Google ranking will now take into consideration how long it takes a page to load on your site. According to Google if pages have a loading time of more than one second it damages the user experience.  Google admits that a one second page load time is their overall goal and base it off each page of your site   What Can Lower Your Page Speed? Some examples that may affect overall web page performance: Server performance Lots of traffic Extra large images (and complex file formats) Code density Text graphics Etc… Page Speed Matters to Visitors When a website loads quickly, people are

Technical Crawlability for Search Engines Nothing’s can be more irritating than seeing your web site being lower on the search engine ranking than your competition.  It may be even more annoying that you're not sure how they did it. The information Search Engines are looking for when crawling your web site needs to be in the infrastructure of your website. Some are how a web site provides information to Search Engines (like Google, Yahoo and Bing) when they index the pages of the site.  Examples are:  having a content site map (or an XML file) for Search Engines to properly index, and also making sure you don't have any broken or missing links. Some are about the initiatives the web site designer takes to notify Search Engines of changes made to the site.  Some examples are:  letting Search Engines know when something has been

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