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Quite frequently I see business web sites, blogs and social media profiles (i.e. Facebook) where the business mentions an article or a page on a web site that is not their own.  I disagree with this methodology because, you want your customers listening to you.  I know you probably think you're helping out your clientele/fans by sharing this great information you found, but all you're doing is pushing them to other sources where they may end up stumbling upon a competitor or they simply don't begin to see you as "the expert" anymore.  You want your customers seeing you as the authority in your field and you want them using your Facebook page, your site, blog, etc to learn about your business and industry.  On the flip side, its unreasonable for most small businesses to be the end all be

We meet and speak with lots of different businesses.  Our clientele is a very culturally diverse ecosystem of companies in varied industries and of many different sizes.   Having this large breadth of first hand information to work with has given us the insight and advantage to see what's going on out there and where things are going.  That being said we've noticed some major changes over the last 18 months, the crazy fast adoption of mobile by consumers.  Now, I know what you're probably thinking

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